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The DIY contact tracing interview


CogTracer is a science-based contact tracing interview you can do yourself.

Take control and stop the spread!

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CogTracer was developed in collaboration with the following organizations and individual donors*

CogTracer applies principles of Cognitive Psychology and an understanding of memory to help people recall and retrace their interactions, contacts, and activities.



It's free.

It's private.

It's whenever you want.

It's wherever you want.

Have questions? 

If your company is interested in using CogTracer or in receiving training on how to improve interviewing practices, please contact our team.

CogTracer and its associated components, including, but not limited to, any surveys, questionnaires, trainings, or interview materials, are the express intellectual property of the creators. Individuals may use CogTracer to remember their contacts. Any further use, copying, editing, or distribution is not permitted without the express written approval of the creators. Please direct any questions or comments about the use of CogTracer to Please note that this site is not intended to replace contact tracing efforts by your public health department. You are encouraged to work with your public health department if they reach out to you. This site does not provide medical advice; if you need medical help please consult with a medical professional.

*Any and all statements made on the CogTracer website or CogTracer tool are the opinions of the CogTracer developers. They do not reflect the official policy or position of these, or any other, entities.

© 2020

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